
Want to Know More About Klemick & Gampel?

If you are curious about Klemick & Gampel, and want to see more literature or more opinions on this firm, there are a variety of sources that you can go to. You can check out the firm’s listing on Bing Local to learn more about office hours, location of the firm, and other facts. You also have the option to check out both Herman Klemick and Ross Gampel on their Avvo profiles. These profiles have an abundance of information about the attorneys at the firm, and include ratings on their professional conduct, industry recognition, and experience. Both attorneys have good ratings on the website, and there are client testimonials to attest to their professional conduct.

This team of Miami personal injury lawyers is also listed in Lawyer Central, on Justia, and in the Kudzu directory. If you want to read a detailed biography about the firm, you can find a lengthy, detailed description on the website or on their HG profile. We are also listed in Yahoo Local and on Yelp if you want read more reviews from our clients. Probably one of the best ways to connect with this firm is through liking them on Facebook. If you like our page, we will provide you with important safety tips, update you on personal injury news, notify you of product recalls, and give you important tips on how to stay safe and healthy. We also have a Twitter account, where we post all about personal injury news that affects the citizens of America. By following our feed, you will stay up to date on big personal injury cases like the Deepwater Horizon oil spill or the repercussions of Hurricane Sandy. We also post frequently on our Google+ account. This account features common news stories, information about the firm, and highlights particular practice areas that we work on.

Do you have questions that you wish to ask the firm? Then you can tell us about your case using our free case evaluation form and explain the concerns or inquiries that you may have. Our firm also offers free consultations. If you want to talk to Klemick & Gampel in person, then you only need to call (305) 856-4577 or use the click to call feature on our website. We speak Spanish and English at the firm, so you don’t need to worry about a language barrier affecting your ability to seek justice in a case. As well, you can visit our office at 1953 SW 27th Ave Miami, FL 33145. Feel free to follow our blog for personal injury information and news, and contact us with any cases that you may want a helping hand with!

Client Reviews
Excellent personal injury law firm. Handled my case professionally and efficiently and obtained the results I wanted. Great staff. Scott M.
Such a Professional Staff and Professional Service. They really care about their clients. Craig D.
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